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The dash-wallet application is an offline tool for creating and interacting with Dash Core wallet files. By default dash-wallet will act on wallets in the default mainnet wallet directory in the datadir. To change the target wallet, use the -datadir, -wallet and -testnet/-regtest arguments.


  dash-wallet [options] <command>


       Print this help message and exit

       Specify data directory

       Specify wallet name

Debugging/Testing options

       Output debugging information (default: 0).

       Send trace/debug info to console (default: 1 when no -debug is true, 0

Chain selection options

       Use devnet chain with provided name

       The number of blocks with a higher than normal subsidy to mine at the
       start of a chain (default: 0, devnet-only)

       The factor to multiply the normal block subsidy by while in the
       highsubsidyblocks window of a chain (default: 1, devnet-only)

  -llmqchainlocks=<quorum name>
       Override the default LLMQ type used for ChainLocks. Allows using
       ChainLocks with smaller LLMQs. (default: llmq_50_60, devnet-only)

       Override the default LLMQ size for the LLMQ_DEVNET quorum (default: 3:2,

  -llmqinstantsend=<quorum name>
       Override the default LLMQ type used for InstantSend. Allows using
       InstantSend with smaller LLMQs. (default: llmq_50_60,

  -llmqinstantsenddip0024=<quorum name>
       Override the default LLMQ type used for InstantSendDIP0024. (default:
       llmq_60_75, devnet-only)

  -llmqplatform=<quorum name>
       Override the default LLMQ type used for Platform. (default: llmq_100_67,

       The number of blocks that can be mined with the minimum difficulty at
       the start of a chain (default: 0, devnet-only)

       Override the default PowTargetSpacing value in seconds (default: 2.5
       minutes, devnet-only)

       Use the test chain


       Create new wallet file

       Get wallet info

       Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet