Deprecated Messages


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Deprecated Messages

The following network messages have been deprecated and should no longer be used.



Deprecated since 0.15.0

Added in protocol version 311.
Removed by Bitcoin in protocol version 70013, but retained by Dash until 0.15.0.

The alert message warns nodes of problems that may affect them or the rest of the network. Each alert message is signed using a key controlled by respected community members, mostly Dash Core developers.

To ensure all nodes can validate and forward alert messages, encapsulation is used. Developers create an alert using the data structure appropriate for the versions of the software they want to notify; then they serialize that data and sign it. The serialized data and its signature make up the outer alert message---allowing nodes which don't understand the data structure to validate the signature and relay the alert to nodes which do understand it. The nodes which actually need the message can decode the serialized data to access the inner alert message.

The outer alert message has four fields:

BytesNameData TypeDescription
Variablealert bytescompactSize uintThe number of bytes in following alert field.
VariablealertucharThe serialized alert. See below for a description of the current alert format.
Variablesignature bytescompactSize uintThe number of bytes in the following signature field.
VariablesignatureucharA DER-encoded ECDSA (secp256k1) signature of the alert signed with the developer's alert key.

Although designed to be easily upgraded, the format of the inner serialized alert has not changed since the alert message was first introduced in protocol version 311.

BytesNameData TypeDescription
4versionint32_tAlert format version. Version 1 from protocol version 311 through at least protocol version 70002.
8relayUntilint64_tThe time beyond which nodes should stop relaying this alert. Unix epoch time format.
8expirationint64_tThe time beyond which this alert is no longer in effect and should be ignored. Unix epoch time format.
4IDint32_tA unique ID number for this alert.
4cancelint32_tAll alerts with an ID number less than or equal to this number should be canceled: deleted and not accepted in the future.
VariessetCancel countcompactSize uintThe number of IDs in the following setCancel field. May be zero.
VariessetCancelint32_tAlert IDs which should be canceled. Each alert ID is a separate int32_t number.
4minVerint32_tThis alert only applies to protocol versions greater than or equal to this version. Nodes running other protocol versions should still relay it.
4maxVerint32_tThis alert only applies to protocol versions less than or equal to this version. Nodes running other protocol versions should still relay it.
Variesuser_agent countcompactSize uintThe number of user agent strings in the following setUser_agent field. May be zero.
VariessetUser_agentcompactSize uint + stringIf this field is empty, it has no effect on the alert. If there is at least one entry is this field, this alert only applies to programs with a user agent that exactly matches one of the strings in this field. Each entry in this field is a compactSize uint followed by a string---the uint indicates how many bytes are in the following string. This field was originally called setSubVer; since BIP14, it applies to user agent strings as defined in the version message.
4priorityint32_tRelative priority compared to other alerts.
Variescomment bytescompactSize uintThe number of bytes in the following comment field. May be zero.
VariescommentstringA comment on the alert that is not displayed.
VariesstatusBar bytescompactSize uintThe number of bytes in the following statusBar field. May be zero.
VariesstatusBarstringThe alert message that is displayed to the user.
Variesreserved bytescompactSize uintThe number of bytes in the following reserved field. May be zero.
VariesreservedstringReserved for future use. Originally called RPC Error.

The annotated hexdump below shows an alert message. (The message header has been omitted.)

73 ................................. Bytes in encapsulated alert: 115
01000000 ........................... Version: 1
3766404f00000000 ................... RelayUntil: 1329620535
b305434f00000000 ................... Expiration: 1330917376

f2030000 ........................... ID: 1010
f1030000 ........................... Cancel: 1009
00 ................................. setCancel count: 0

10270000 ........................... MinVer: 10000
48ee0000 ........................... MaxVer: 61000
00 ................................. setUser_agent bytes: 0
64000000 ........................... Priority: 100

00 ................................. Bytes In Comment String: 0
46 ................................. Bytes in StatusBar String: 70
627275617279 ....................... Status Bar String: "See [...]"
00 ................................. Bytes In Reserved String: 0

47 ................................. Bytes in signature: 71
723326e4e8a4f1 ..................... Signature

Alert key compromise: Dash Core's source code defines a particular set of alert parameters that can be used to notify users that the alert signing key has been compromised and that they should upgrade to get a new alert public key. Once a signed alert containing those parameters has been received, no other alerts can cancel or override it.



Deprecated since 0.15.0

The ix message (transaction lock request) has the same structure as the tx message. The masternode network responds with txlvote messages if the transaction inputs can be locked.



Removed in 19.0.0

Added in protocol version 70002 as described by BIP61.

The reject message informs the receiving node that one of its previous messages has been rejected.

BytesNameData TypeDescription
Variesmessage bytescompactSize uintThe number of bytes in the following message field.
VariesmessagestringThe type of message rejected as ASCII text without null padding. For example: "tx", "block", or "version".
1codecharThe reject message code. See the table below.
Variesreason bytescompactSize uintThe number of bytes in the following reason field. May be 0x00 if a text reason isn't provided.
VariesreasonstringThe reason for the rejection in ASCII text. This should not be displayed to the user; it is only for debugging purposes.
Variesextra datavariesOptional additional data provided with the rejection. For example, most rejections of tx messages or block messages include the hash of the rejected transaction or block header. See the code table below.

The following table lists message reject codes. Codes are tied to the type of message they reply to; for example there is a 0x10 reject code for transactions and a 0x10 reject code for blocks.

CodeIn Reply ToExtra BytesExtra TypeDescription
0x01any message0N/AMessage could not be decoded. Be careful of reject message feedback loops where two peers each don't understand each other's reject messages and so keep sending them back and forth forever.
0x10block message32char[32]Block is invalid for some reason (invalid proof-of-work, invalid signature, etc). Extra data may include the rejected block's header hash.
0x10tx message32char[32]Transaction is invalid for some reason (invalid signature, output value greater than input, etc.). Extra data may include the rejected transaction's TXID.
0x10ix message32char[32]InstantSend transaction is invalid for some reason (invalid tx lock request, conflicting tx lock request, etc.). Extra data may include the rejected transaction's TXID.
0x11block message32char[32]The block uses a version that is no longer supported. Extra data may include the rejected block's header hash.
0x11version message0N/AConnecting node is using a protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11dsa message0N/AConnecting node is using a CoinJoin protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11dsi message0N/AConnecting node is using a CoinJoin protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11dsc message0N/AConnecting node is using a CoinJoin protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11dsf message0N/AConnecting node is using a CoinJoin protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11dsq message0N/AConnecting node is using a CoinJoin protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11dssu message0N/AConnecting node is using a CoinJoin protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11govsync message0N/AConnecting node is using a governance protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11govobj message0N/AConnecting node is using a governance protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11govobjvote message0N/AConnecting node is using a governance protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11mnget message0N/AConnecting node is using a masternode payment protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11mnw message0N/AConnecting node is using a masternode payment protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x11txlvote message0N/AConnecting node is using an InstantSend protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported.
0x12tx message32char[32]Duplicate input spend (double spend): the rejected transaction spends the same input as a previously-received transaction. Extra data may include the rejected transaction's TXID.
0x12version message0N/AMore than one version message received in this connection.
0x40tx message32char[32]The transaction will not be mined or relayed because the rejecting node considers it non-standard---a transaction type or version unknown by the server. Extra data may include the rejected transaction's TXID.
0x41tx message32char[32]One or more output amounts are below the dust threshold. Extra data may include the rejected transaction's TXID.
0x42tx messagechar[32]The transaction did not have a large enough fee or priority to be relayed or mined. Extra data may include the rejected transaction's TXID.
0x43block message32char[32]The block belongs to a block chain which is not the same block chain as provided by a compiled-in checkpoint. Extra data may include the rejected block's header hash.

Reject Codes

0x42Insufficient fee

The annotated hexdump below shows a reject message. (The message header has been omitted.)

02 ................................. Number of bytes in message: 2
7478 ............................... Type of message rejected: tx
12 ................................. Reject code: 0x12 (duplicate)
15 ................................. Number of bytes in reason: 21
7370656e74 ......................... Reason: bad-txns-inputs-spent
947baf86a31017939575fb2354222821 ... TXID



Deprecated since 0.15.0

The txlvote message (transaction lock vote) is sent by masternodes to indicate approval of a transaction lock request ix message.

BytesNameData typeRequiredDescription
32txHashuint256RequiredTXID of the transaction to lock
36outPointoutpointRequiredThe unspent outpoint to lock in this transaction
36outpointMasternodeoutpointRequiredThe outpoint of the masternode which is signing the vote
32quorumModifierHashuint256RequiredAdded in protocol version 70213. Only present when Spork 15 is active.

32masternodeProTxHashuint256RequiredAdded in protocol version 70213. Only present when Spork 15 is active.

The proTxHash of the DIP3 masternode which is signing the vote
96vchMasternodeSignaturechar[]RequiredMasternode BLS signature

The following annotated hexdump shows a txlvote message. (The message header has been omitted.)

e85490d85fc36af1c293e186da373c02 ..... TXID

Outpoint to lock
| 4c1e6318bab4f9284d3bc0e49ec7fe76
| 1e9c914b8ea0bcac4563005daa451221 ... Outpoint TXID
| 00000000 ........................... Outpoint index number: 0

Masternode Outpoint
| 5d02f07c7318411e41fdd4be9f1e5ece
| 16d680cfe318306087edc8fb205e507b ... Outpoint TXID
| 01000000 ........................... Outpoint index number: 1

8d7e530c16a7597e1db4430a00000000 ..... Quorum Modifier hash

f3f13071379c2f418d3637fb548c4159 ..... Masternode ProRegTx hash

60 ................................... Signature length: 96

305c2e5d855c72588ffb0e8e2a36482c ..... Masternode BLS Signature