Quorum Messages


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The following network messages enable the long-living masternode quorum (LLMQ) features built in to Dash.

Distributed Key Generation

The following network messages enable the creation of long living masternode quorums (LLMQs) as described in DIP6.

With the exception of the qfcommit message, these messages are for intra-quorum communication only and are not propagated on the Dash network.


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qcontrib message is used by each member of the DKG process to send key contributions to all other members.

BytesNameData typeDescription
1llmqTypeuint8_tThe type of LLMQ
32quorumHashuint256The quorum identifier
32proTxHashuint256The ProRegTx hash of the complaining member
1-9vvecSizecompactSize uintThe size of the verification vector
48 * vvecSizevvecBLSPubKey[]The verification vector
48ephemeralPubKeyBLSPubKeyEphemeral BLS public key used to encrypt secret key contributions
Note: serialized using the basic BLS scheme after Dash 19.0 activation
32ivuint256Initialization vector
1-9skCountcompactSize uintNumber of encrypted secret key contributions
(1 + 32) * (skCount)skContributionsbyte[]Secret key contributions encrypted to recipient masternodes’ BLS public operator key.

Each contribution consists of:
- Size: 1 byte
- Secret Key: 32 bytes
96sigbyte[]BLS signature, signed with the operator key of the contributing masternode
Note: serialized using the basic BLS scheme after Dash 19.0 activation

More information can be found in the Contribution phase section of DIP6.

The following annotated hexdump shows a qcontrib message. (The message header has been omitted.)

01  ........................................ LLMQ Type: 1 (LLMQ_50_60)

4b90a0f75caff20ee12d230b00000000 ...........  Quorum Hash

b07729cd34d9d2e7c7b3ca4b2a4e77cf ........... ProRegTx Hash

1e ......................................... Verification Vector Size: 30

Verification Vector (Truncated)
| 8da71ba5030e28c6c4de5e0eb1660d0f
| a9fd21ef4fef700a556f10286c9c34fb
| beb36fffb5b2a552a40d6c8e27aac338
| [...]
| 99d8649d226261162bcb5a11617d1732
| 553b8358d85b1d9e12a88eb3e979fb7c
| e49b5a21a82a74e9d06233199cb73db4 ......... Verification Vector (1440 bytes)

56467082c728e2037791166705ada03a ........... Ephemeral BLS Public Key

71605f0e5f90ab92e3e0b46461c1c64d ........... IV Seed

32 ......................................... Contribution count: 50
| Secret Key Contribution #1
| | 20 ..................................... Contribution Size: 32 bytes
| | | 31f3e8e5b2cc2063ee7fd1dd469dca12
| | | 4bdf506ee46fe825d5537aa3ce838225 ..... Encrypted Secret Key contribution
| Secret Key Contribution #2
| | 20 ..................................... Contribution Size: 32 bytes
| | | a6b3ff696ffc5e0c0a9b444c515edc48
| | | 5a9ccea0268c2a445fac5e24feda51a9 ..... Encrypted Secret Key contribution
| [...] .................................... 47 contributions omitted
| Secret Key Contribution #50
| | 20 ..................................... Contribution Size: 32 bytes
| | | 25f54cff411a577db9a416a60067f512
| | | 0750c77720207eb1484c90767b72faf8 ..... Encrypted Secret Key contribution

e000da1aeda5f98ec9e64b801681bfc1 ........... BLS signature (Operator Key)


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qcomplaint message is used to notify other members in the DKG process of any members that provided no contribution or an invalid secret key contribution. The notifications are divided into 2 fields:

  • badMembers - Sets a bit for each member that failed to provide a contribution
  • complaints - Sets a bit for each member that provided an invalid contribution

If a threshold number of quorum participants indicate a masternode didn't contribute, that masternode will be excluded from the quorum. Members that simply have a complaint against them are given an opportunity to respond (via a qjustify message) to attempt to prove to all participants that they did participate.

BytesNameData typeDescription
1llmqTypeuint8_tThe type of LLMQ
32quorumHashuint256The quorum identifier
32proTxHashuint256The ProRegTx hash of the complaining member
1-9badBitSizecompactSize uintNumber of bits in the bad members bitvector
(badBitSize + 7) / 8badMembersbyte[]The bad members bitvector
1-9complaintsBitSizecompactSize uintNumber of bits in the complaints bitvector
BitSize + 7) / 8
complaintsbyte[]The complaints bitvector
96sigbyte[]BLS signature, signed with the operator key of the contributing masternode
Note: serialized using the basic BLS scheme after Dash 19.0 activation

More information can be found in the Complaining phase section of DIP6.

The following annotated hexdump shows a qcomplaint message. (The message header has been omitted.)

01 ......................................... LLMQ Type: 1 (LLMQ_50_60)

4ca1f12c41846064cf960a0800000000 ........... Quorum Hash

ec715222a0650321487843c79cac67d5 ........... ProRegTx hash

32 ......................................... Bad member bitvector size: 50
08800200004000 ............................. Bad members

32 ......................................... Complaints bitvector size: 50
00020080040000 ............................. Complaints

0efe3fcb8d7042da624f7298876cc98e ........... BLS signature (Operator Key)


Added in protocol version 70219 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qdata message is used to send quorum DKG data to a node that has requested it via a qgetdata message. The response will include one or more of the following depending on what was requested:

  • Quorum verification vector for the request quorum
  • Encrypted contributions for the request Protx hash
BytesNameData typeDescription
1 bytequorumTypeuint8_tType of the quorum the data is about.
32 bytesquorumHashuint256Hash of the quorum the data is about.
2 bytesdataMaskuint16This value should be equal to the dataMask value of the requesting QGETDATA.
32 bytesprotxHashuint256This is the protx hash of the member which can decrypt the data in data_0002. Included if 0x0002 is set in dataMask.
1 byteerroruint8See Possible error codes
Variabledata_0001BLSVerificationVectorIncluded if 0x0001 is set in the dataMask value of the requesting QGETDATA.
Included if 0x0002 is set in the dataMask value of the requesting QGETDATA.

Verification Vector

BytesNameData typeDescription
1-9vvecSizecompactSize uintThe size of the verification vector
48 * vvecSizevvecBLSPubKey[]The verification vector

Encrypted Contributions

BytesNameData typeDescription
48ephemeralPubKeyBLSPubKeyEphemeral BLS public key used to encrypt secret key contributions
32ivSeeduint256Seed used to create the AES initialization vectors
1-9dataSizecompactSize uintThe size of the data
Variabledataunsigned char[]Encrypted data

Possible Error Codes

0x00NoneNo error, this value will be represented if the QGETDATA request could be processed successfully.
0x01QUORUM_TYPE_INVALIDThe quorum type provided in the quorumType field is invalid.
0x02QUORUM_BLOCK_NOT_FOUNDThe hash provided in the quorumHash field wasn’t found in the active chain.
0x03QUORUM_NOT_FOUNDThe quorum (combination of type and hash) wasn’t found in the active chain.
0x04MASTERNODE_IS_NO_MEMBERThe masternode with the protx-hash provided in the protxHash field is not a valid member of the requested quorum.
0x05QUORUM_VERIFICATION_VECTOR_MISSINGThe quorum verification vector for the requested quorum is missing internally.
0x06ENCRYPTED_CONTRIBUTIONS_MISSINGThe encrypted contributions for the requested member are missing for the requested quorum internally.

The following annotated hexdump shows a qdata message. (The message header has been omitted.)

04 ......................................... LLMQ Type: 4 (LLMQ_100_67)

5fc3d8d63c4705aac106cd57da000000 ........... Quorum Hash

0100 ....................................... Data mask: 1 (Verification Vector)

c7ccb13df0c0e950b4d1b737808c2c72 ........... ProRegTx hash

00 ......................................... Error Code: 0 (None)

Data (Verification Vectors)
| 43 ....................................... Verification vector size: 0x43 (67)
| 0c59f5450d17b2b21e7ddccc8f86eb96
| 20c02af428fc1c2fefe4a04fb2803025 ......... Verification vector 1
| 9dcfe843af100de279ed9e7eb50cdebf
| 8158abdc37872fac3269d70a7a9ea462 ......... Verification vector 2
| Data truncated
| e8d3467d381a2069c3006db78a099ba3
| a1064d8d6782b8be7de610b37308a715 ......... Verification vector 67


Added in protocol version 70219 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qgetdata message is used to request DKG data from a masternode. The response to a qgetdata message is a qdata message. These messages allows an LLMQ member to recover its DKG data if needed with the help of other members of that LLMQ type.

BytesNameData typeDescription
1llmqTypeuint8_tThe type of LLMQ
32quorumHashuint256The quorum identifier
2dataMaskuint16_tSpecifies what data to request:
1 - Quorum verification vector
2 - Encrypted contributions for member defined by proTxHash (proTxHash must be specified if this option is used)
3 - Both verification vector and encrypted contributions
32proTxHashuint256The ProRegTx hash the contributions will be requested for. Must be a member of the specified LLMQ.

The following annotated hexdump shows a qgetdata message. (The message header has been omitted.)

04 ......................................... LLMQ Type: 4 (LLMQ_100_67)

5fc3d8d63c4705aac106cd57da000000 ........... Quorum Hash

0100 ....................................... Data mask: 1

c7ccb13df0c0e950b4d1b737808c2c72 ........... ProRegTx hash


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qjustify message is used to respond to complaints. This provides a way for nodes that have been complained about to offer proof of correct behavior. If a valid justification is not provided, all other nodes mark it as a bad. If a valid justification is provided, the complaining node is marked as bad instead (since it submitted a bad complaint).

BytesNameData typeDescription
1llmqTypeuint8_tThe type of LLMQ
32quorumHashuint256The quorum identifier
32proTxHashuint256The ProRegTx hash of the complaining member
compactSize uintNumber of unencrypted secret key contributions
36 * skContributions
skContributionSKContributionMember index and secret key contribution for members justifying complaints
96sigbyte[]BLS signature, signed with the operator key of the contributing masternode
Note: serialized using the basic BLS scheme after Dash 19.0 activation

An SKContribution consists of:

BytesNameData typeDescription
4skContributionMemberuint32_tIndex of the member for which justification is provided
32skContributionsbyte[]Unencrypted secret key contribution for the member contained in skContributionMember

More information can be found in the Justification phase section of DIP6.

The following annotated hexdump shows a qjustify message. (The message header has been omitted.)

01 ......................................... LLMQ Type: 1 (LLMQ_50_60)

4ca1f12c41846064cf960a0800000000 ........... Quorum Hash

3fbee621d58c469dce96d6283bcd4b25 ........... ProRegTx hash

05 ......................................... Contribution count: 5

Contribution #1
| 16000000 ................................. Member Index: 22
| 57b63ec5ae0a101f0d93bb60af70bf22
| c21bd3a7705e1aecb9559d6b151d953f ......... Unencrypted secret key contribution

Contribution #2
| 17000000 ................................. Member Index: 22
| 0ee1f0f0f2570589e81d2a4f8165b105
| 28436a1a75cf3469fa81090f2d856150 ......... Unencrypted secret key contribution

[...] ...................................... 3 more contributions omitted

051edf1b3b1f0e1b1d55d185d25e0ed7 ........... BLS signature (Operator Key)


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qpcommit message is used to exchange premature commitment messages for verification and selection of the final commitment.

BytesNameData typeDescription
1llmqTypeuint8_tThe type of LLMQ
32quorumHashuint256The quorum identifier
32proTxHashuint256The ProRegTx hash of the complaining member
1-9validMembersSizecompactSize uintBit size of the validMembers bitvector
MembersSize + 7) / 8
validMembersbyte[]Bitset of valid members in this commitment
48quorumPublicKeyuint256The quorum public key
Note: serialized using the basic BLS scheme after Dash 19.0 activation
32quorumVvecHashbyte[]The hash of the quorum verification vector
96quorumSigBLSSigThreshold signature, signed with the threshold signature share of the committing member
Note: serialized using the basic BLS scheme after Dash 19.0 activation
96sigbyte[]BLS signature, signed with the operator key of the contributing masternode
Note: serialized using the basic BLS scheme after Dash 19.0 activation

More information can be found in the Commitment phase section of DIP6.

The following annotated hexdump shows a qpcommit message. (The message header has been omitted.)

01 ......................................... LLMQ Type: 1 (LLMQ_50_60)

4b90a0f75caff20ee12d230b00000000 ........... Quorum Hash

7ecf185405252854ddb477d89127a32d ........... ProRegTx hash

32 ......................................... Valid member bitvector size: 50
ffffffffffff03 ............................. Valid members

7ca6daaf723170cdbdad40c5cf44f87b ........... Quorum BLS Public Key

fe267c61078bdfe29d90774a3b766ad5 ........... Quorum Verification Vector Hash

6220dd736a1a70c9ca87867ca55f8665 ........... BLS Threshold signature

2883559bab2ab81cef6253452622b30c ........... BLS signature (Operator Key)


The qfcommit message is used to finalize a Long-Living Masternode Quorum setup by aggregating the information necessary to mine the on-chain QcTx special transaction. The message contains all the necessary information required to validate the long-living masternode quorum's signing results.

It is possible to receive multiple valid final commitments for the same DKG session. These should only differ in the number of signers, which can be ignored as long as there are at least quorumThreshold number of signers. The set of valid members for these final commitments should always be the same, as each member only creates a single premature commitment. This means that only one set of valid members (and thus only one quorum verification vector and quorum public key) can gain a majority. If the threshold is not reached, there will be no valid final commitment.



  • Version 2 (Dash Core 18.0) - updated the qfcommit message to support a new method of quorum creation for some quorum types. Note the addition of the quorumIndex field in version 2 messages.
  • Versions 3/4 (Dash Core 19.0) - quorumPublicKey, quorumSig, and sig serialized using the basic BLS scheme (versions <3 use the legacy BLS scheme).

See the Version differences summary table below for more information.

BytesNameData typeDescription
2versionuint16_tVersion of the final commitment message
1llmqTypeuint8_tThe type of LLMQ
32quorumHashuint256The quorum identifier
2quorumIndexuint16_tAdded in version 2

The quorum index
1-9signersSizecompactSize uintBit size of the signers bitvector
(bitSize + 7) / 8signersbyte[]Bitset representing the aggregated signers of this final commitment
1-9validMembersSizecompactSize uintBit size of the validMembers bitvector
(bitSize + 7) / 8validMembersbyte[]Bitset of valid members in this commitment
48quorumPublicKeyBLSPubKeyThe quorum public key
Note: serialization varies based on version:
* Version <3 - legacy BLS scheme
* Version >= 3 - basic BLS scheme
32quorumVvecHashuint256The hash of the quorum verification vector
96quorumSigbyte[]Recovered threshold signature
Note: serialization varies based on version:
* Version <3 - legacy BLS scheme
* Version >= 3 - basic BLS scheme
96sigbyte[]Aggregated BLS signatures from all included commitments
Note: serialization varies based on version:
* Version <3 - legacy BLS scheme
* Version >= 3 - basic BLS scheme

Version differences summary

VersionVersion DescriptionquorumIndex field
1Non-rotated quorum qfcommit serialized using legacy BLS schemeAbsent
2Rotated quorum qfcommit serialized using legacy BLS schemePresent
3Non-rotated quorum qfcommit serialized using basic BLS schemeAbsent
4Rotated quorum qfcommit serialized using basic BLS schemePresent

More information can be found in the Finalization phase section of DIP6.

The following annotated hexdump shows a version 1 qfcommit message. (The message header has been omitted.)

0100 ....................................... Message Version: 1
01 ......................................... LLMQ Type: 1 (LLMQ_50_60)

4b90a0f75caff20ee12d230b00000000 ........... Quorum Hash

32 ......................................... Signer bitvector size: 50
ffffffffffff03 ............................. Signers

32 ......................................... Valid member bitvector size: 50
ffffffffffff03 ............................. Valid members

7ca6daaf723170cdbdad40c5cf44f87b ........... Quorum BLS Public Key

fe267c61078bdfe29d90774a3b766ad5 ........... Quorum Verification Vector Hash

dc982e89a92606df537b8918881e9c95 ........... Quorum BLS Recovered Threshold Sig

c8a042dc51aa58a26c134405fc3234ff ........... Quorum Aggregate BLS Sig

The following annotated hexdump shows a version 2 qfcommit message. (The message header has been omitted.)

0200 ....................................... Message Version: 2
65 ......................................... LLMQ Type: 101 (LLMQ_DEVNET)

511defff89d255e85a4ef8cdfb010000 ........... Quorum Hash

0100 ....................................... Quorum Index (1) **Added in v2 messages**

08 ......................................... Signer bitvector size: 8
fb ......................................... Signers

08 ......................................... Valid member bitvector size: 8
fb ......................................... Valid members

0da3459f6c0e5a4fc021f4ce9125a10c ........... Quorum BLS Public Key

00768b84bb4c0c6b2ad25dee02c34eed ........... Quorum Verification Vector Hash

cc427677fd92189c0b41d6f306581577 ........... Quorum BLS Recovered Threshold Sig

5ee9bc60d59b3aad2eea15dea15d8093 ........... Quorum Aggregate BLS Sig

Signing Sessions

The following network messages enable the long living masternode quorum (LLMQ) message signing sessions described in DIP7.

With the exception of the qsendrecsigs message and the qsigrec message, these messages are for intra-quorum communication only and are not propagated on the Dash network.


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qbsigs message is used to send batched signature shares in response to a qgetsigs message.


The number of messages that can be sent in a batch is limited to 400 (as defined by MAX_MSGS_TOTAL_BATCHED_SIGS in Dash Core).

BytesNameData typeDescription
VariesbatchCountcompactSize uintNumber of batched signature shares
VariesmsgsCBatchedSigSharesBatches of signature shares


BytesNameData typeDescription
VariessessionIdvarintSigning session ID
VariesshareCountcompactSize uintNumber of shares
shareCount * 98sigShares<uint16_t, CBLSLazySignature>Index (2 bytes) and BLS Signature share (96 bytes)

The following annotated hexdump shows a qbsigs message. (The message header has been omitted.)

02 ......................................... Number of signature share batches: 2

Signature Share Batch 1
| 84d843 ................................... Session ID
| 01 ....................................... Share count: 1
| Share
| | 2100 ................................... Index
| | 0fbd0c0981b79544c3e80d1a2eed13fe
| | f08c731b0156654675209812f9b2b8f3
| | ec23868d26890a0e85e5cec4ad0e2d46
| | 01293cf7e41841fda5865063e7354f36
| | e8a5c13d2c2d265a778f41e807b3cc63
| | 81e202ecf923c62bbb69ecc713bdf86d ....... BLS Signature share

Signature Share Batch 2
| 84d844 ................................... Session ID
| 01 ....................................... Share Count: 1
| Share
| | 2100 ................................... Index
| |
| | 9570d97e41b78045b51fba3d4f1ea38d
| | 7a0e007535ce6beb1e03eff163b421fd
| | b8125142a12f92aa82770de7bb038207
| | 13ccc72dd6d9bf91ecc2835da54a0afb
| | 0c0fa5d7a214a020ca650ca202ddff29
| | c3cac4033098297d2aaee098db5bfe2f ....... BLS Signature share


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qgetsigs message is used to request signature shares. The response to a qgetsigs message is a qbsigs message.


The number of inventories in a qgetsigs message is limited to 200 (as defined by MAX_MSGS_CNT_QGETSIGSHARES in Dash Core).

BytesNameData typeDescription
VariescountcompactSize uintNumber of signature shares requested
VariessessionIdvarintSigning session ID
VariesinvSizecompactSize uintInventory size
VariesinvCAutoBitSetQuorum signature inventory

The following annotated hexdump shows a qgetsigs message. (The message header has been omitted.)

02 ......................................... Count: 2

Signature share request 1
| 80db21 ................................... Session ID
| 32 ....................................... Inventory size: 50
| 012900 ................................... Inventory

Signature share request 2
| 80db22 ................................... Session ID
| 32 ....................................... Inventory Size: 50
| 012900 ................................... Inventory


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core

The qsendrecsigs message is used to notify a peer to send plain LLMQ recovered signatures (inventory type MSG_QUORUM_RECOVERED_SIG). Otherwise the peer would only announce/send the higher level messages produced when a recovered signature is found (e.g. InstantSend islock messages or ChainLock clsig messages).


SPV nodes should not send this message as they are usually only interested in the higher level messages.

BytesNameData typeDescription
1fSendRecSigsbool0 - Notify peer to not send plain LLMQ recovered signatures
1 - Notify peer to send plain LLMQ recovered signatures (default for Dash Core nodes)

The following annotated hexdump shows a qsendrecsigs message. (The message header has been omitted.)

01 ................................. Request recovered signatures: Enabled (1)


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core

The qsigrec message is used to provide recovered signatures and related quorum details to nodes that have requested this information via the qsendrecsigs message.

BytesNameData typeDescription
1llmqTypeuint8_tThe type of LLMQ
32quorumHashuint256The quorum hash
32iduint256The signing request id
32msgHashuint256The message hash
96sigbyte[]The final recovered BLS threshold signature
Note: serialized using the basic BLS scheme after Dash 19.0 activation

More information can be found in the Recovered threshold signatures section of DIP7.

The following annotated hexdump shows a qsigrec message. (The message header has been omitted.)

Note: The following qsigrec message corresponds to the example islock message hexdump. The message hash below corresponds to the islock TXID field and the BLS signature matches the BLS signature of the islock example.

01 ......................................... LLMQ Type: 1 (LLMQ_50_60)

23fe838c89ed9be6ddc63c0200000000 ........... Quorum Hash

a2ec0ec69b58b20c52f5d438eaabd54d ........... Signing Request ID

553c20a34e2d11e38bdcaaf8e1de1680 ........... Message Hash

a11e5e7930deccc3e11a931fc9524f06 ........... LLMQ BLS Signature (96 bytes)


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qsigsesann message is used to announce the sessionId for a signing session. The sessionId will be used for all P2P messages related to that session.


The maximum number of inventories in a qsigsinv message is limited to 200 (as defined by MAX_MSGS_CNT_QSIGSHARESINV in Dash Core).

BytesNameData typeDescription
VariescountcompactSize uintNumber of session announcements
VariessessionIdvarintSigning session ID (must be less than the maximum uint32_t value)
1llmqTypeuint8_tThe LLMQ type
32quorumHashuint256The quorum identifier
32iduint256The signing request id
32msgHashuint256The message hash

The following annotated hexdump shows a qsigsesann message. (The message header has been omitted.)

02 ......................................... Count: 2

Session Announcement 1
| 84d843 ................................... Session ID
| 01 ....................................... LLMQ Type: 1 (LLMQ_50_60)
| a34d3ae6b33cb1199c3e5e1cb5a2a55c
| 91e69bb5df2bf80ba1cb0a0d00000000 ......... Quorum Hash
| 89bbc2e5741a9f706e8d33dee4132037
| 8c33511768c5e3d6cdb2a1b7b731360b ......... Signing request ID
| d2b41a19237e370b4b091545b203bc0c
| 02ca7e0d5daebf12bb24b13064ed4149 ......... Message Hash

Session Announcement 2
| 84d844 ................................... Session ID
| 01 ....................................... LLMQ Type: 1 (LLMQ_50_60)
| a34d3ae6b33cb1199c3e5e1cb5a2a55c
| 91e69bb5df2bf80ba1cb0a0d00000000 ......... Quorum Hash
| 54f73deb42a8ed9b72b9c0535a72f54d
| 5789bbe0dbea2e184c3089f9e8f65c3e ......... Signing request ID
| af2e5d730cd37cd911b92db117b4ab99
| 90a3c0300ce39177d0d31be5b47c2361 ......... Message Hash


Added in protocol version 70217 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qsigshare message (quorum signature share) announces one or more quorum signature shares known by the transmitting peer.


The maximum number of inventories in a qsigsinv message is limited to 200 (as defined by MAX_MSGS_CNT_QSIGSHARESINV in Dash Core).

BytesNameData typeDescription
VariescountcompactSize uintNumber of sig share announcements
1llmqTypeuint8_tThe type of LLMQ
32quorumHashuint256The quorum hash
32iduint256The signing request id
32msgHashuint256The message hash
96sigSharebyte[]The final recovered BLS threshold signature
Note: serialized using the basic BLS scheme after Dash 19.0 activation

The following annotated hexdump shows a qsigshare message. (The message header has been omitted.)

01 ......................................... Count: 1

01 ......................................... LLMQ Type: 1 (LLMQ_50_60)

238d1a10703769d166706d4178010000 ........... Quorum Hash

0300 ....................................... Quorum Member

32a8bc8e1f258250f5fabdd1a2a0ef0e ........... Message ID

cd4b9bd93ebb83069eaab77dff30ca48 ........... Message Hash

a277386b48a7ae627d075da826aab694 ......... Signature Share


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core


This message is used for intra-quorum communication and is only sent to the masternodes in the LLMQ and nodes that are monitoring in Watch Mode for auditing/debugging purposes.

The qsigsinv message (quorum signature inventory) announces one or more quorum signature share inventories known by the transmitting peer.

Info callout


The maximum number of inventories in a qsigsinv message is limited to 200 (as defined by MAX_MSGS_CNT_QSIGSHARESINV in Dash Core).

BytesNameData typeDescription
VariescountcompactSize uintNumber of session announcements
VariessessionIdvarintSigning session ID (must be less than the maximum uint32_t value)
VariesinvSizecompactSize uintInventory size
VariesinvCAutoBitSetQuorum signature inventory

The following annotated hexdump shows a qsigsinv message. (The message header has been omitted.)

02 ......................................... Count: 2

84d844 ..................................... Session ID
32 ......................................... Inventory size: 50
011a040200 ................................. Inventory

84d843 ..................................... Session ID
32 ......................................... Inventory size: 50
011a0700 ................................... Inventory



Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core

The qwatch message tells the receiving peer to relay LLMQ DKG messages and Signing session messages (e.g., qcontrib).

This message is sent when a Dash Core node is started with the -watchquorums option enabled.

There is no payload in a qwatch message. See the message header section for an example of a message without a payload.

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