These docs are for v18.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v19.0.0-redirect.

InstantSend Messages

The following network messages all help control the InstantSend feature of Dash. InstantSend uses the masternode network to lock transaction inputs and enable secure, instantaneous transactions. For additional details, refer to the Developer Guide InstantSend section.


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core

The clsig message is used to indicate a successful ChainLock for the designated block height. The Chainlock ensures that no other blocks can replace the one with the indicated block hash. This determination is made by agreement of a Long-Living Masternode Quorum (LLMQ) which creates the BLS signature in the message.

Once a clsig message is received, clients must reject any other blocks for the indicated block height as described in DIP8 (ChainLocks). This increases security by preventing reorganization of a block with a ChainLock (and all blocks below it).

BytesNameData typeDescription
4nHeightint32_tBlock height
32blockHashuint256Block hash
96sigCBLSSignatureLLMQ BLS signature

The following annotated hexdump shows a clsig message. (The message header has been omitted.)

c1310100 ................................... Block Height: 78273

e5edc0879411afaff513b30100000000 ........... Block Hash

005574710c3aabc2f8670959cf8bc9b5 ........... LLMQ BLS Signature


Added in protocol version 70214 of Dash Core


Future deprecation

The isdlock message with expanded features will eventually replace this message. Protocol version 70220 maintains backwards compatibility for older clients.

The islock message is used to provide details of transactions that have been locked by LLMQ-based InstantSend. The message includes the details of all transaction inputs along with the transaction ID and the BLS signature of the LLMQ that approved the transaction lock.

BytesNameData typeDescription
1-9inputsSizecompactSize uintNumber of inputs
36 * inputsSizeinputsCOutPointOutpoints used in the transaction
32txiduint256TXID of the locked transaction
96sigbyte[]LLMQ BLS Signature

The following annotated hexdump shows a islock message. (The message header has been omitted.)

02 ......................................... Number of inputs: 2

Input 1
| 05f24f65a9d98ff543ba61f7f0ce9448
| 79632bf2517540a5bd8bde2fe8e94617 ......... Previous outpoint TXID
| 00000000 ................................. Previous outpoint index: 0

Input 2
| 05f24f65a9d98ff543ba61f7f0ce9448
| 79632bf2517540a5bd8bde2fe8e94617 ......... Previous outpoint TXID
| 01000000 ................................. Previous outpoint index: 1

553c20a34e2d11e38bdcaaf8e1de1680 ........... TXID

a11e5e7930deccc3e11a931fc9524f06 ........... LLMQ BLS Signature (96 bytes)



Added in protocol version 70220 of Dash Core

The isdlock message is used to provide details of transactions that have been locked by InstantSend. The message includes all details present in the islock message along with additional version and cycle information introduced by DIP22. This enables nodes to determine what quorum signed the message and validate the signature in the future after the quorum is no longer active. Additional details about the change are available in DIP22 - Making InstantSend Deterministic using Quorum Cycles.

BytesNameData typeDescription
1versionuint8The version of the islock message
1-9inputsSizecompactSize uintNumber of inputs
36 * inputsSizeinputsCOutPointOutpoints used in the transaction
32txiduint256TXID of the locked transaction
32cycleHashuint256Block hash of first block of the cycle in which the quorum signing this islock is active
96sigbyte[]LLMQ BLS Signature

The following annotated hexdump shows a isdlock message. (The message header has been omitted.)

01 ......................................... Message version: 1
11 ......................................... Number of inputs: 17

Input 1
| d735fb8cb1b2c4f852e090824ed1b671
| 93a6ed82dfb959487c80c9d520ce270b ......... Previous outpoint TXID
| 01000000 ................................. Previous outpoint index: 1

Input 2
| c8ad33361d9dbc2f0a0e981987fa5c9c
| a3df83991dddccab6498ac40d2976423 ......... Previous outpoint TXID
| 01000000 ................................. Previous outpoint index: 1

| [...] .................................... 15 transaction inputs omitted

32580ab3be974b0b63ac16d619675fee ........... TXID

d7729b0a293c967f7647a2731e000000 ........... Cycle hash

05870b1b00c88445f77fa9cb1cb16c01 ........... LLMQ BLS Signature (96 bytes)

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