These docs are for v18.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v19.0.0-redirect.

Wallet RPCs (Deprecated)


Wallet Support

RPCs that require wallet support are not available on masternodes for security reasons. Such RPCs are designated with a "Requires wallet support" message.



Warning: setaccount will be removed in Dash Core v18.0. Use the RPCs listed in the See Also subsection below instead. To use this command in Dash Core v0.17, start dashd with -deprecatedrpc=accounts.


Requires wallet support (unavailable on masternodes)

The getaccount RPC returns the name of the account associated with the given address.

Parameter #1---a Dash address

Addressstring (base58)Required
(exactly 1)
A P2PKH or P2SH Dash address belonging either to a specific account or the default account (\")"

Result---an account name

(exactly 1)
The name of an account, or an empty string (\", the default account)"

Example from Dash Core 0.12.2

dash-cli -testnet getaccount yMTFRnrfJ4NpnYVeidDNHVwT7uuNsVjevq


doc test

See also



Warning: getaccountaddress will be removed in Dash Core v18.0. Use the RPCs listed in the See Also subsection below instead. To use this command in Dash Core v0.17, start dashd with -deprecatedrpc=accounts.


Requires wallet support (unavailable on masternodes)

The getaccountaddress RPC returns the current Dash address for receiving payments to this account. If the account doesn't exist, it creates both the account and a new address for receiving payment. Once a payment has been received to an address, future calls to this RPC for the same account will return a different address.

Parameter #1---an account name

(exactly 1)
The name of an account. Use an empty string (\") for the default account. If the account doesn't exist, it will be created"

Result---a Dash address

resultstring (base58)Required
(exactly 1)
An address, belonging to the account specified, which has not yet received any payments

Example from Dash Core 0.12.2

Get an address for the default account:

dash-cli -testnet getaccountaddress ""



See also

  • GetNewAddress: returns a new Dash address for receiving payments. If an account is specified, payments received with the address will be credited to that account.
  • GetRawChangeAddress: returns a new Dash address for receiving change. This is for use with raw transactions, not normal use.
  • GetAddressesByAccount: returns a list of every address assigned to a particular account.



Warning: getaddressesbyaccount will be removed in Dash Core v18.0. Use the RPCs listed in the See Also subsection below instead. To use this command in Dash Core v0.17, start dashd with -deprecatedrpc=accounts.


Requires wallet support (unavailable on masternodes)

The getaddressesbyaccount RPC returns a list of every address assigned to a particular account.

Parameter #1---the account name

(exactly 1)
The name of the account containing the addresses to get. To get addresses from the default account, pass an empty string (\")"

Result---a list of addresses

(exactly 1)
An array containing all addresses belonging to the specified account. If the account has no addresses, the array will be empty
Addressstring (base58)Optional
(1 or more)
A P2PKH or P2SH address belonging to the account

Example from Dash Core 0.12.2

Get the addresses assigned to the account "doc test":

dash-cli -testnet getaddressesbyaccount "doc test"



See also

  • GetAccount: returns the name of the account associated with the given address.
  • GetBalance: gets the balance in decimal dash across all accounts or for a particular account.



Warning: setaccount will be removed in a later version of Dash Core. Use the RPCs listed in the See Also subsection below instead.


Requires wallet support (unavailable on masternodes)

The setaccount RPC puts the specified address in the given account.

Parameter #1---a dash address

Addressstring (base58)Required
(exactly 1)
The P2PKH or P2SH address to put in the account. Must already belong to the wallet

Parameter #2---an account

(exactly 1)
The name of the account in which the address should be placed. May be the default account, an empty string (\")"

Result---null if successful

(exactly 1)
Set to JSON null if the address was successfully placed in the account

Example from Dash Core 0.12.2

Put the address indicated below in the "doc test" account.

dash-cli -testnet setaccount \
    yMTFRnrfJ4NpnYVeidDNHVwT7uuNsVjevq "doc test"

(Success: no result displayed.)

See also

  • GetAccount: returns the name of the account associated with the given address.
  • GetAddressesByAccount: returns a list of every address assigned to a particular account.
  • SetLabels: sets the label associated with the given address.